1. Modeling by scripting
Python for Grasshopper is used to create "For" loops and generate the base structure for the model.
1. Creating 40 circles for 40 floors of the building by Python scripting |
2. The values of the parameters used in Grasshopper for the model |
3. The overall shape of the model picking up from the Python script in Grasshopper |
2. Analyzing the site using Ladybug
Ladybug is utilized to import the weather data into Grasshopper and analyze the physical site.
4. Importing weather file of London and visualizing the hourly data |
5. Importing weather file of London and visualizing the eating and cooling degree days
3. Calculating Anual Sun Exposure (ASE) for LEED by Ladybug
Anual Sun Exposure (ASE) is perhaps one of the most difficult-to-understand aspects of LEED v4. ASE measures the percentage of floor area that receives more than 1000 lux of DIRECT SUN ONLY for more than 250 occupied hours per year.
6. Evaluating Anual Sun Exposure (ASE) using Ladybug
7. The result shows that this model has passed LEED for ASE |
4. Model Optimization using Galapagos
In this experiment, the surface area to volume ratio is tended to be minimized in order to reduce thermal heat gain/loss.
4.1 Building Shape - Surface Area to Volume Ratio
The surface area to volume (S/V) ratio is an important factor determining heat loss and gain. The greater the surface area the more the heat gain/ loss through it. So small S/V ratios imply minimum heat gain and minimum heat loss.
To minimize the losses and gains through the fabric of a building a compact shape is desirable. The most compact orthogonal building would then be a cube. This configuration, however, may place a large portion of the floor area far from perimeter daylighting.
In hot dry climates, S/V ratio should be as low as possible as this would minimize heat gain. In cold-dry climates also S/V ratios should be as low as possible to minimize heat losses. In warm-humid climates, the prime concern is creating airy spaces. This might not necessarily minimize the S/V ratio. Further, the materials of construction should be such that they do not store heat.
8. Minimal surface area (SA) vs. maximum surface area (SA) (minimum SA leads to lower heat gain and lower heat loss) |
- Heating, Cooling, and Lighting as Form-Givers in Architecture
9. The original model before applying the optimization process |
10. The setting of Galapagos for minimizing the surface area to volume ratio |
11. The results after applying the Evolutionary algorithm for the best possible surface area to volume ratio
5. Project Movie
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